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Breast Lift

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift is an operation which lifts the breast to the ideal position.  The nipple is raised to a more youthful position and the breast tissue if raised.  It is often done in conjunction with a breast reduction.

 A breast lift is sometimes done with a breast implant to both increase the size of and lift the breast.  This is called an augmentation mastopexy.

Why should I have a breast lift?

  • To raise breasts that are droopy or sagging.

  • To lift the nipple to an ideal position

  • To reduce the size of the areola

  • To remove excess skin which can occur from weight loss, post breast feeding or with hormonal changes.

  • To increase the volume of the breast – an implant is used as well as a breast lift (augmentation mastopexy)

Preparing for my surgery

You will have a full consultation with Dr Kerri Mooney to discuss your concerns and medical history.  It is ideal if you are at a stable weight and your body mass index (BMI) is close to normal.  It is important to be as healthy as possible before an operation by eating well, exercising and avoiding cigarette smoke. 


Typically, you will have some routine investigations prior to surgery including a mammogram.  We will discuss pre-operative preparation with you in detail including what post-operative bra to get, when to fast and arrive for surgery.  You will be given written and verbal information so that you are as prepared as possible for the surgery.

What to expect in the surgical period

The operation takes approximately three hours.  Typically, patients stay one night in hospital and go home to recover the following day with support from friends or family.  During the operation, the lower portion of the breast tissue is elevated up.  The lower breast skin is removed.  The nipple is elevated to an ideal position and the breast tissue is lifted to create a more youthful breast as necessary.  A drain will often be placed on each side which can often be taken out the next day.  The sutures are dissolving so they do not need to be removed.  The dressings will be a light tape which can get wet at 48 hours post-operative in the shower.

Recovery after surgery

It is normal to have some bruising and swelling after surgery which goes down over time.  You will be discharged with some medications including pain relief.  We will arrange a dressing change at approximately 10-14 days after the operation. We advise that you wear a post-surgical bra 24 hours a day for the first two months.  We recommend light walking in the immediate post-operative period with return to exercise at approximately 6-8 weeks.

Possible risks of breast lift surgery

All operations come with associated risks.  Although rare, it is important that you understand what these are.  

Breast lift (mastopexy) is an excellent procedure to lift and reshape the breast to recreate a natural, youthful breast.

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